The Security State Bank

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Equal Housing Lender


Ag Loans

In Agriculture - Experience Counts. It is often said there is no substitute for experience. We think that's true, especially in agriculture. We are an experienced, diversified Ag lender. For more than 90 years we've been providing loans to farmers for their operating, livestock, machinery and equipment needs. We offer competitive rates and terms. If we can be of help to you, come see us.

Commercial Loans

Our bank has been helping area residents with their commercial financial needs for start up costs and operating needs and has the expertise necessary to help. We recognize the importance of business owners funding needs and have programs available through the SBA. Please stop in today to visit with a loan officer about our commercial loans.

Consumer Loans

We offer competitive consumer financing for a variety of consumer needs. Whether it's for the purchase of a car, boat, truck, camper, ATV or family vacation, we can help you. Our experience and expertise allows for fast decisions because we know how important that is to you. Please stop by and visit with one of our loan officers today.